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Tag: pelatihan effective negotiation skill

Empowerment lembaga penyedia pelatihan dan pendidikan SDM, Pusat informasi pelatihan dan diklat, informasi pelatihan dan jadwal training, peatihan sdm, jadwal pelatihan terbaru 2021, jadwal pelatihan dan diklat terbaru 2021

training Effective Selling and Merchandising Skills for SPG and MD

Effective Selling and Merchandising Skills for SPG and MD

Training Effective Selling and Merchandising Skills for SPG and MD Ujung tombak seperti SPG atau MD wajib mencapai target penjualan setiap bulan. Untuk itu mereka harus dibekali dan selalu diasah ketajaman presentasi penjualannya dan ditingkatkan semangat menjualnya. Mereka harus mendapat pembekalan yang cukup guna memenuhi tanggung jawabnya yang besar. Tujuan Pelatihan Effective Selling and Merchandising…
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training Effective Negotiation Skill Course

Effective Negotiation Skill Course

Training Effective Negotiation Skill Course Learn today’s skills, strategies and tips for successful negotiation in all business transactions –both inside and outside your organization. Deal with customers, vendors, colleagues, bosses, and subordinates with confidence, professionalism and ability to bring about a solution that satisfied both sides. Negotiation is an essential part of daily life; develop…
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